Bullet journal · 23. February 2021
What do you do when you feel unwell--angry, or sad, or if you have a headache? What if you had a prelaid plan so you didn't have to think it up from scratch each time, when you're not at 100%?
I made a post about how my 2020 goals went and what I would do differently. Here's my 2021 goals. Hold me accountable!
Goals · 19. December 2020
I wrote a post about my goals a year ago. How'd that go?
Bullet journal · 26. May 2020
How I use things like my bullet journal to stay organized.
Dear friends I haven't met yet, Like many people obsessed with being better, I read self help books. Most of the time they just get me feeling down about what I'm just not capable of with my combination of diseases right now. However, after my interest was piqued after hearing about The Miracle Morning so much in groups I'm in, and checking out the website and not being immediately dissuaded, I put the book on hold at my library. And promptly forgot about it for months, until I got a...
Current Events · 08. April 2020
COVID-19 and the health of a nation, especially mental health.
Goals · 29. February 2020
How habit is ruining a hobby, and what I plan to do about it.
New year's goals--instead of resolutions.
What's changed in the last year, and how I plan to move into the next on this blog.
Bullet journal · 16. March 2019
What is a life chart? Why did I start one? What other reasons are there for starting one?